Title: Evolution Rating: Teen Pairing(s): Draco/Ginny (sort of, mostly Draco gen) Summary: The world is red and black Word Count: 8,000 Author's Notes: Thank you to my betas. This was written for hp_rarities. My recipient dropped out.
Title: Proud Characters: Snape, Draco Rating: Any Age Summary: The boy is nothing like his father Word Count: 650 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, rose_whispers! For you, I attempt Snape (again)!
Title: Coins Author: inell Pairing: Draco/Harry Summary: Coins make a certain jingling sound whenever they are tossed onto the top of a wooden bureau. Rating: Adult Word Count: 2650 Warning: Rentboy For deliciantasy based on this image request. Happy holidays, hon! Edited: 7/18/06